Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

farewell, friend!

Requested by mbak bro Nindy buat temennya yang mau study abroad ke luar negeri.

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Happy Birthday & Anniversary, dearest Mom & Dad!

Requested by mas bro Yustian to celebrate his father's birthday and his parents' marriage anniversary.

Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

The brides

This illustration was requested by someone from Banda Aceh. She asked me to make an illustration about Javanese traditional wedding costume. Love the details of this portrait!

Happy Wedding!

Lovely couple! requested by their best friend as a wedding gift. Sweet!

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

"Happy Birthday ce Yecee!"

Still, requested by mbak Novia surya for her friend as a birthday gift.

"Happy Birthday, Granny!"

It's the biggest artwork I've ever made with eleven faces to be drawn. This lovely scene was requested by mbak Novia Surya for her beloved granny who celebrating her birthday. Lovely!

"Thank you very much for the guidance, pak Astika"

"Thank you very much for the guidance, pak Astika" sent by Hanindha Sabatta Kristy to her beloved thesis supervisor.

My super supervisor

Now is my turn! this caricature was made for my own super supervisor. (kalo cik anne kebetulan baca), Terimakasih buat semuanya cik! Sorry kalo dalam 1 tahun penyelesaian 'English Language Teaching Department Students' Identity Changes Associated With English Language Learning' nya saya kebanyakan ngeyel :D

Terimakasih Ibu supervisor

Still with the same atmosphere of graduation as the previous post, this caricature was dedicated for a lecturer by her student as a gift to express his thankful, gratitude for all helps, guidance, and the lectures  during the time bro Yustian finishes his thesis.

Terimakasih Ibu supervisor & second reader

A friend of mine who's graduated last July requested me to make a caricature of her lecturers as a token of thanks. The concept is both lecturers holding the book with the title of the poem which became the topic of my friend's thesis. anyway, happy graduation, Ruth!